Sunday, September 25, 2011

Daniel Boone

Happy Fall!!!!

Fall has come so quickly!!

We have finished our geography unit  for now but we will revisit some of the skills and vocabulary learned throughout the school year.

This week we will be studying and classifying different cultures. Obviously we are learning about our own American culture, but to take us into the study of early explorations of North America we are learning about the cultures of West Africa, England, France, and Spain.Then, we will begin our unit on Early Explorations.

In addition to class, we will be researching Daniel Boone. All 5th grade students will be writing an informational article about Boone. I will be looking for strong evidence of research, organization and appropriate text features for an article. This article will be due on October 26th, the day before we travel to Frankfort to visit Boone's gravesite as well as the Old Capital and current Capital building.

YES!! We are going on a field trip to Frankfort, KY onThursday, October 27th!!Permission slips and information will be coming home this week!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a very special trip that involves us leaving before school starts and returning after school has dismissed.
We take 5th grade on this trip every year. All students will learn about our state government and how it works as well as learning about the history of our state capital.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Nation Remembers | Scholastic News Edition 3 |

A Nation Remembers Scholastic News Edition 3

Articles and Video

9/11 ‘Survivor Tree’ Spreads its Branches Over the World Trade Center Once Again -

9/11 ‘Survivor Tree’ Spreads its Branches Over the World Trade Center Once Again -

Awesome story!!

Origin of Labor Day       Check this out!!

How will you remember 9/11?

This week we will continue our study of Geography but we will spend a few days learning about 9/11. Students today were so young and some not even born yet that they didn't share in this event so I want to teach them about what happened on that day and how it brought our nation together. I know it is a scary story but with all the terror and sadness it brings, I also want to bring out the stories of bravery, determination and acts of unselfishness that occurred on that fateful day.

I would like all families at Highland to think about this historic day and how you can remember all who gave of themselves to help others. We should think of it as a National Day of Service. So my question is: How will YOU remember 9/11?  Go to and post your tribute and be added to the National Tribute Quilt in remembrance for all that perished, that were heroes, and the survivors of that day.

To study this event even further got to  where you will find more articles and videos about 9/11.  All students will be getting there own edition of Scholastic News starting in September.  This is a current events magazine for kids that has richly engaging stories to keep the students interested in current events in the U.S.A and across the world. All 5th grade students will receive this magazine two or three times a month.