Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who Do You Admire Most In American History? 1-25-2011

In this weeks episode of News Quiz students were asked who they admire most in American History. The following students wrote their responses in their journals and several students wanted to share their entries with you!!  These are amazing!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


We began this week spending  class on Tuesday learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was the leader of the American Civil Rights Movement. It is important that students can fully understand the significance of his life and his famous "I Have a Dream Speech".

This week we have been learning about how men, women and children worked in the colonies and we are studying the economy of the 13 colonies as well.  Once we learn about the geography, economy, leaders, and everyday life and people of the colonial times we will be moving towards the rebellion that will begin between the colonists and mother England. This will lead to our study of the Revolutionary War.

Another snow storm for Glasgow, so everyone please be careful if you must be out on the roads. As you can see, my dog Jax loves this wintery weather !!  Do you think he can build a snowman?!!     

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


In our study of the 13 English Colonies we divided the 13 original colonies into the following regions: New England, Middle and Southern. Students were placed into cooperative groups and given one of these regions to research. These small groups then had to create a poster sharing the information they had learned about their region. The following video shows students working on the poster projects in Social Studies class.

What's your New Year's Resolution?

The following students wanted to share their resolutions with you!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

WELCOME 2011 @)!!

We are off to a great start for the new year!

This week in Social Studies we have been reviewing Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymoth and the original 13 colonies. We will be reading about how the colonies thrived in North America. The students were placed into groups representing one of the 3 regions of the colonies. (New England, Middle, Southern colonies). In a peer group they will design a poster to share with the class that will explain the many aspects of the region. This project requires cooperation, creativity and research.

The students also did some journal writing about customs and traditions. We discussed New Year's Resolutions and students wrote some plans for their new year in their S.S. journal.  Some students volunteered to share their response on video. I am working on a movie to put on the blog. SO, look for that soon!